Manor Hill Elementary School

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Principal's Message

(630) 827-4309
Dear Manor Hill Families,

Welcome to Manor Hill. Manor Hill is a school of a little under 300 students. There are two sections at each grade level and five instructional classes. Most of our students are Kindergarten through fifth grade. However, we have a few three and four year old students in one of our instructional classes. Our small school provides the opportunity for us to work together as a family.

Our mission at Manor Hill is to guide the development of the whole child through cooperative work of the staff, students, and parents in a quality learning environment.

We are a PBIS school where we focus on being respectful, responsible and safe. Students are recognized for these positives in different ways. One way is to receive an Eagle Eye. We collect these Eagle Eyes throughout the year. As a building, we have a goal of 4,000. Each time we reach this goal we have a building celebration. These Eagle Eyes are used in additional ways to recognize and reward our students.

Our PTA is very supportive and provides a great opportunity to be involved in our school. There are several events throughout the school year that volunteers are needed to support. Our students really enjoy these activities. Please consider joining our PTA. Thank you!

Manor Hill is truly a special school. We have a great bunch of students that are open and caring toward each other. Our families are very supportive and want what is best for their children. The staff is dedicated and focused on our students.

It is a privilege to be the principal at Manor Hill. I continue to enjoy being a part of this school and strive to grow with our community. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to working with you.


Eric Haren